Controversies in globalization pdf file

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Fear is almost affected all part of our life from the mind up to our international and global environment. It is not a wrong statement if we call the present era as era of terrorism or even Ages of fear 1. When a bomb in a village market place, on an airplane, in a building, or on a bus wounds or kills innocent victims who have done the perpetrators no harm, the condemnation of the acts of terrorism is even louder and the sense of outrage even greater.

If it does not affect us directly, we see the outcome on other people on the television. We people of the post-cold war era have grown up with and almost become used to the vision of acts of terrorism as tragically being part of someone s daily life. Today few countries can claim immunity from attacks on non-combative targets. 1 The Thesis Submitted to The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Science For the Award of Doctorate of Philosophy in Political Science Osmania University, Hyderabad, India Abstract Globalization and international terrorism A case study of Al-Qaeda By Mehdi Akhlaghinia Under Supervision of Professor V.Ravindra Sastry Department Of Political Science, OU, Hyderabad September, P a g eĢ Preface Global Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20 th Century.